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Why We Keep Our Kesh

Writer's picture: SikhTeensSikhTeens

Disclaimer: These are opinions of an individual person on the Significance of Kes in a Sikh’s Life and, there are personal anecdotes including Sikh history that include graphic imagery.

What motivates us to push through environmental challenges and peer pressure throughout our lives? What are ways we can help our brothers and sisters fight worldly attachments in a modernized era where a true Sikh’s Saroop doesn’t meet the norm, per se? Let's discuss how you can fight your mind and follow the path of a Sant Sipahi.

What really is Kes? Why does a Sikh never cut or remove any hair from their body? The simple answer is because it’s a gift from Guru Sahib. Guru Gobindh Singh Ji, the 10th Guru gave us this identity, so we should wear it proudly. If we dig a bit deeper into the significance of Kes, we’d come to the conclusion that keeping uncut hair throughout our body pleases the Guru because it is our self expression of our love to the Guru.Keeping our hair long and uncut shows the Guru that we are not only satisfied, without ego, but grateful for his gift.

When someone refers to hair or Kes, the first thought that shines a bright light in my mind is a Shaheed (martyr). You may wonder why my brain immediately connects the concept of Kes with Shaheeds. As we are all well aware, 1984 was a mass genocide on the Sikhs committed by the Indian Government. Many Singhs and Singhniyaans laid their lives for Sikhi to prosper for many coming generations. One Shaheed, out of countless others, that brings motivation to me is Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar. After being found by the Indian Police, Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar was kept hanging upside down in the police station for many days. Foot-long metal rods were heated up and hammered into his legs, from the heels upward. An electricity connection was attached to his body parts so that he would be shocked. Hot metal rods were also passed through his chest. His hip was broken and using a bayonet, his eyes were removed. All this torture Bhai Sahib Ji was put through was due to one reason: he did not give up the location of other Singh’s fighting for justice in 1984. Bhai Sahib gave up his life out of love for his Sikh brothers and sisters. One very important fact to keep in mind is that during all of this torture, Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar kept doing ardaas that his Kes and Sikhi, his whole identity and love for the Guru, would remain intact till his final breath. He could have given up his Sikhi Saroop and the whereabouts of Singhs he knew about, but he accepted torture and death, just as a true Gurmukh would do.

It’s tough living in the 21st century and being proud of a true Sikh identity. Discriminatory actions and derogatory slurs aren’t new ideas to many young Sikh boys and girls. Even peer pressure is becoming more and more prominent in the Panth nowadays. As far as my memory reaches, I can remember dozens of times when a friend or peer offered me a juul, or times I was laughed at for having a dastar/keski. Saying no and just laughing it off was always the first thought that came in my mind; but why? The quick answer is Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar. Thinking about the torturement Bhai Sahib Ji went through, and all the other Shaheeds of the Sikh Kaum, gave me hope and strength to push through such obstacles.

As we look up to our shaheeds for mental support, it’s important to keep in mind that these Shaheeds are with us 24/7, no matter where we are. Many of us have had an instance where we felt alone in life and hit rock bottom. Our friends weren’t there for us and our family was too busy to really be there for us. In Sukhmani Sahib, Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Ji blesses us with a very beautiful shabad:

ਜੋ ਠਾਕੁਰੁ ਸਦ ਸਦਾ ਹਜੂਰੇ ॥

The master is everywhere and all-pervading

ਤਾ ਕਉ ਅੰਧਾ ਜਾਨਤ ਦੂਰੇ ॥

Only a blind thinks He is far

Guru Arjan Dev Ji is reminding us to not be blind to this concept: Waheguru is all-pervading. Relating back to Kes, and keeping in mind that Guru Sahib is with us everywhere, these two lines from the Shabad give me a reminder to think, “Would Guru Gobind Singh Ji be proud watching me do this?” In reality, a person would try to behave in the most mature way around someone influential (not necessarily even the Guru, just someone we want to look good in front of). Guru Arjan Dev Ji is trying to send a message to Sikhs: Act like the Guru is with you at all times. As proven very effective on a personal note, asking ourselves “Would Guru Gobind Singh Ji be proud watching me do this? Would Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar do this?” can give us a sense of motivation.

So why is our Kes really important? As mentioned earlier, Kes is the gift given from Guru Sahib that we adore and take care of throughout our lives. And if we take time reflecting on why we cut or remove hair from our body, we’d come to a conclusion that it’s either due to societal pressure, or because someone’s ego is taking over their mind (medical purposes such as removal of hair for surgery does not apply). Bhagat Kabir Ji blesses us with a beautiful Salok:

ਕਬੀਰ ਸਾਕਤ ਸੰਗੁ ਨ ਕੀਜੀਐ ਦੂਰਹਿ ਜਾਈਐ ਭਾਗਿ ॥

Kabeer, do not associate with the faithless cynics; run far away from them.

ਬਾਸਨੁ ਕਾਰੋ ਪਰਸੀਐ ਤਉ ਕਛੁ ਲਾਗੈ ਦਾਗੁ ॥੧੩੧॥

If you touch a vessel stained with soot, some of the soot will stick to you. ||131||

Bhagat Kabir Ji advises us, as Sikhs, to take on the responsibility of keeping our Sangat (company) clean and faithful. If one was going to hang out with a bunch of smokers and drinkers who pressured them to cut his/her hair, chances are he/she would do it. As many say, we become the company we keep. All of you are familiar with the SikhTeens Instagram, thus I encourage you all to become involved. Join the discussions, chat with the team leaders, and create an environment for yourself in which other aspiring Sikh youth encourages you to keep Sikhi intact.

Going back to people cutting their hair due to satisfying their own ego, Bhagat Kabir Ji addresses this in another beautiful Salok:

ਕਬੀਰ ਗਰਬੁ ਨ ਕੀਜੀਐ ਦੇਹੀ ਦੇਖਿ ਸੁਰੰਗ ॥

Kabeer, do not be so proud, looking at your beautiful body.

ਆਜੁ ਕਾਲਿ੍ਹ ਤਜਿ ਜਾਹੁਗੇ ਜਿਉ ਕਾਂਚੁਰੀ ਭੁਯੰਗ ॥੪੦॥

Today or tomorrow, you will have to leave it behind, like the snake shedding its skin. ||40||

Although this Pangti may raise questions and confusion on how keeping Kes could cause us to take pride by looking at our beautiful body, it’s important to note that Kes is something we’re given and Kes isn’t something a Sikh should have ego in. We don’t change our body by keeping our Kes. Bhagat Kabir Ji is reminding us: Just like a snake shedding its skin, the human will leave its body here to burn to ashes. Only the soul goes, nothing else. So why are we wasting our life worrying about temporary things? Why are we embracing ego by feeling proud about something that will burn to ashes in the end? This human life is a very, very rare and precious jewel. Think of it as winning a lottery:

ਭਈ ਪਰਾਪਤਿ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਦੇਹੁਰੀਆ ॥

This human body has been given to you.

ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਮਿਲਣ ਕੀ ਇਹ ਤੇਰੀ ਬਰੀਆ ॥

This is your chance to meet the Lord of the Universe.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

Guru Arjan Dev Ji

Let’s start living a Jeevan (life) with confidence and purity knowing Guru Sahib is on your side at all times. Let’s start living by the mentality that we are in Guru Sahib’s Hazuri (presence) at all times. Let’s stop deeds we wouldn’t do in the Gurdwara or in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Let’s try asking ourselves if what we are about to commit is right. Keep Bhai Anokh Singh Ji Babbar in mind when you realize that you are straying off the right path.. Keep in mind all of the Shaheedees that laid their lives for Sikhi to prosper today. We are the future generation for Sikhi and the next generation is relying on us to keep Sikhi alive and prosperous. Let’s not waste this life, my beloved brothers and sisters! Let’s try to step closer to the Guru, realize that Guru Sahib is with us everywhere, and detach from worldly attachments.

If I made any mistakes trying to convey my message, please think of me as a child who doesn’t realize his mistakes and kindly forgive me. Bhulaan Chukaan di Khima Bakshnee! ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖ਼ਾਲਸਾ। ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫ਼ਤਹਿ।

  • Anonymous



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