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ਨੀਕੀ ਕੀਰੀ ਮਹਿ ਕਲ ਰਾਖੈ

Writer's picture: SikhTeensSikhTeens

We’re living in a historic time where everything is repeating itself: protests against racism, murder, and a global pandemic. During the 1918 Flu Pandemic, people handled everything somewhat similar to how we are handling things now with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Regardless, this shabad is relevant right now and will always be relevant, even though it was written hundreds of years ago. To give a background of the shabad, it is on Panna 285 and 286 written by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauri. It is part of Sukhmani Sahib in the 27th Ashtpadi and is a continuation of the Ashtpatis before. This Gurbaani line reminds us of the ultimate power of Waheguru, and it is very applicable to the pandemic we are currently facing now.

The first line begins:

ਨੀਕੀ (small) ਕੀਰੀ (bug) ਮਹਿ (inside) ਕਲ (power) ਰਾਖੈ (instilled)॥

While an ant is so small in size, Waheguru has placed so much power and strength inside of its body. Just like how the COVID-19 virus is so small that it can’t even be seen with the naked eye, yet it has so much power inside of it. We always talk about how we need to be unified instead of divided in this nation. Although some may see people differently from themselves, this virus attacks every human being the same way, and it defies the notion of division. We are one, and we are all vulnerable to this, and the amount of power someone has or social hierarchy doesn’t matter in this case. So, one good side of this historic pandemic is that we have become more grateful for things we would have overlooked, and it is bringing us all together as one. It further helps us defy the notion of division, and instills more of a unification to get this pandemic out of the way. This small tiny virus has the power of bringing NATIONS together to find a solution in harmony. That is the power of Waheguru.

ਭਸਮ (destroy) ਕਰੈ (do) ਲਸਕਰ (army) ਕੋਟਿ (crores=billions) ਲਾਖੈ (Lakhs or million)॥

The strength of the immensely tiny Kirri (bug) is able to destroy thousands of warriors in an army with Waheguru’s power. Applying it to today, we can see that this COVID -19 virus, such a tiny creature, which can’t even be seen with the naked eye, is able to wreak havoc and take the lives of hundreds of thousands. The analogy of the “army” is beautiful because it enforces the fact that it doesn’t matter how big or how strong you are, this little bug/bacteria can destroy even the strongest army of mankind. We try not to see this as horrific (although it is), but we view it with absolute awe. Waheguru ji instills so much power into this tiny little creature and its limitations are nearly endless! This shabad and the COVID-19 pandemic is a reminder of how powerful Waheguru ji is.

ਜਿਸ (person) ਕਾ (whose) ਸਾਸੁ (soul/breath) ਨ (no) ਕਾਫਤ (taken out) ਆਪ (yourself) ॥

We have no control of who lives and who dies, whether it is ourselves or others. The survival is in Waheguru Ji’s control. Despite the soldiers whose lungs are being destroyed by this powerful virus, it is Waheguru’s will to decide who will live and who will die. The Gurbaani line brings out an interesting fact that on one hand Waheguru ji has commanded and instilled the immense power in the virus to kill the bravest of the brave; all of this goes on as he pleases, because it is his game and his rules.

ਤਾ (then) ਕਉ (that) ਰਾਖਤ (to save) ਦੇ (give) ਕਰਿ (do) ਹਾਥ (hand)॥

Waheguru Ji gives his hand in order to save a person which was also his will. That means that those blessed souls were not destined to end at that time. In the practice of medicine, we witness that a doctor (a human) is saving another human’s life. Remember, it isn’t just the doctor that saved that patient, it was ultimately Waheguru Ji who saved the patient through the acts delivered by the doctor. Waheguru Ji gives the knowledge to that doctor in order to save the ones who were not destined to die at that moment. The ‘Hand’ of Waheguru ji is equivalent to the saving grace, delivered through his chosen soul as he directs at his will.

ਮਾਨਸ (Mankind) ਜਤਨ (effort) ਕਰਤ (immense efforts) ਬਹੁ (multiple) ਭਾਤਿ (variety/multiple ways)॥

Humans make many efforts to protect each other, especially in life threatening situations. Tying it back to our current situation, we are currently looking for new ways to fight the pandemic, and trying to save the lives of those we love most. We have all come together to find a solution to get rid of that small bug/bacteria that holds the power to kill us all. Emphasize that Guru Arjan Dev Ji says Manas (Mankind); we have all come together as a human race to find a solution, regardless of race, ethnicity, or identity and we all are doing our best collectively to the best of our abilities, knowledge, and resources to come up with the vaccine to save lives in our combined efforts to end the pandemic.

ਤਿਸ (whose) ਕੇ (that) ਕਰਤਬ (immense efforts and attempts) ਬਿਰਥੇ (useless/in vain) ਜਾਤਿ (goes)॥

However, our immense combined efforts with a collective knowledge, millions of dollars of resources, research and past scientific accomplishments we are so proud of, all those attempts of trying to save people are going in vain. We are experiencing helplessness of not being able to overcome the power of such a tiny Virus. The Neekee Keere is to remind mankind that the power of Waheguru Ji can be as impactful and destructive as he chooses it to be. The people who are not connected with Waheguru, who are drenched in ego, are worried the most. The power of this small keeree (bug) has overcome their own power as they are experiencing anxiety of helplessness. We have to realize that there is power much bigger than dictatorships, monarchies, combined armies, combined knowledge and resources and it is Waheguru’s power.

ਮਾਰੈ (death) ਨ (does not) ਰਾਖੈ (savior) ਅਵਰੁ (one) ਨ (no) ਕੋਇ (else)॥

Only Waheguru’s kirpa has the power to decide life and death, it is the final decision in each situation. For example, he is deciding the outcome of every infected patient on who would lose their life and who would recover and be saved from the neekee keeree. We have to remember that the doctor was the avenue for a patient to be saved. The knowledge was given to that doctor and doctors acts were merely his given to the doctors in order to execute his will. Thus, it is Waheguru ji who is the savior and it is Waheguru ji who decides to end life, there is none other but Waheguru alone whose Hukum decides the ultimate outcome when it comes to matters of life and death. If a Life began, it is HIS hukum and if a life ended and the fact that it ended, it is also in HIS Hukum, regardless how it ended and from whose actions it ended. If death happened, it was meant to happen as such at that time. As said in this line from another shabad:

ਜੰਮਣੁ (Birth) ਮਰਣਾ (Death) ਹੁਕਮੁ (Order/Command) ਹੈ (Is) ਭਾਵੈ (Waheguru’s Will) ਆਵੈ (Come) ਜਾਇ (Go)

ਸਰਬ (all) ਜੀਆ (mankind) ਕਾ (of the) ਰਾਖਾ (Protector) ਸੋਇ (He is)॥

Waheguru ji is the creator of all beings and he is the caretaker of everything from the tiny keeree to the largest of all species. Relating back to the previous lines, there is nothing anyone can do to alter Waheguru’s Hukam, for Waheguru is the protector of all. We think we are the ones with the power, but that’s just our own ego. We think we know so much about medicine and other fields of study but there is so much more we don’t know! We are nothing compared to the power of Waheguru, and we are absolutely being reminded of this basic truth, during the current COVID-19 Pandemic.

ਕਾਹੇ (why) ਸੋਚ (think) ਕਰਹਿ (to do) ਰੇ (you) ਪ੍ਰਾਣੀ (living soul)॥

Guru Maharaj asks why the mortal is so anxious to alter Waheguru’s Hukam. Why do you attempt to alter your path when Waheguru decides everything? Why are you worrying? In other words, why suffer from anxiety, fear or build conspiracy theories if all this was avoidable?

ਜਪਿ (chant) ਨਾਨਕ (O Nanak) ਪ੍ਰਭ (on god) ਅਲਖ (invisible) ਵਿਡਾਣੀ (mystery) ॥

Instead of being anxious, meditate on the wondrous name of Waheguru. Guru ji says to focus on Naam Japna, chanting “Waheguru”, so that we realize the Hukum of Waheguru and that his order always prevails. Even on our last breath if we happen to be infected by the coronavirus, we should still chant and remember Waheguru ji, as we are gasping for air, even if we are about to die to recognize that if the moment has come in his will to leave this life form to pray and seek the moment to unite with him. Waheguru will prevail, so why be afraid? We should recite the name of the Waheguru who is endless to write about, and specially for his mysterious “play” he has us to be part of. The word Viddaannee is an important placement in this line and thus must be emphasized. It means a mystery or a miracle or mysterious form. It reflects the depth in this whole shaband. First, He gave the power to that small creature, to that keeree, yet, the ones who are infected, if He decides to keep that infected patient, he also gives the strength to the immune system by instilling higher power in antibodies (immunity). It is this very mystery of Waheguru, it is His play we are all puppets of. If death is going to happen, it will happen at his will, if a life is born, it was His will. Always remember the awareness of Waheguru around you, his awareness of ‘Wah’ Guru. Accept His Bhanna (Hukum) when it comes to Life and Death.

Guru Arjan Dev Ji beautifully writes about the power of Waheguru in a small and tiny creature, and even though it was written hundreds of years ago, it is still so relevant to our current times and will remain to be true forever. This just proves that the teachings of our Gurus are Amolak (priceless) and ajooni (timeless). As teenagers and as the youth, we should try our absolute best to immerse ourselves in Gurbani, learn what the Gurus want to teach us and be who the Gurus want us to be. We should let go of our own ego, refrain from maya and accept Waheguru Ji’s power in awe. It is our duty and our choice to make sure that happens. This is just one shabad out of the whole Guru Granth Sahib Ji, yet it's endless. Thank you for reading this shabad in depth with us, being very relevant to the current pandemic we are living through, and we hope you learned as much as we did.




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